Mechanical contractors with a mission
Since 1945, A.A. Huber & Sons Inc. has provided unrivaled plumbing, HVAC, and medical gas services to our clients in Central Indiana. We serve a variety of clients from commercial, institutional, medical, industrial, and design-build sectors.
Trusted Specialists



For three generations, exceptional service and acute attention to detail have been our standard. We strive to be the best contractor on every job, no matter how big or small. This is the standard A. A. Huber set when he started installing running water in farm houses in the 1940s, then moved into commercial work in the 50s and 60s. His sons, Fred Huber and Gary Huber, continued A. A.’s vision for quality work and grew the business through the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Fred’s sons, Shane and Pete, continued the growth of the business in the 90s and 2000s, never sacrificing A. A.’s gold standard for quality installations. After Shane’s retirement in 2018, Pete continues the family tradition of always putting quality and people first.
Our efficient pre-construction planning, top-notch installation, and concise closeout have made for thousands of successful projects.
Helping children and their families in our community is a another mission we are proud to uphold.
A.A. Huber and Sons Inc. shares of their success through their annual Fred Huber Charity Golf Outing. For more information, click here >>